Thursday, May 26, 2011

self portrait i did for my moms kitchen thought it would be best
that i'd start my first pic to be a caricature of myself.
i did it all in illustrator and totally stole the style from chip wass & kristen ulve
illustrators from entertainment weekly but i kinda meshed with my style so i prefur
to call it that i was influenced by those artist (however i totally ripped them off lol)

first post ever!

hey all those out in the world wide web my name is greg mccrary and i've started this blog to show case my art and to get feed back on how awesome it is and maybe explain a lil bit about my process but mainly jst post really cool art work up either way i have a good feeling we'll be learning from each other as from post to post. so check out my caricatures my comic characters and projects i post on here and i hope you enjoy them.
- greg